2 November 2022

What our clients say…

I can’t fault P. He rings me twice a week and we spend a good hour talking. He brings life back into me and I am glad when he rings.

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

My volunteer is absolutely wonderful. She is really easy to talk to and I look forward to the call every week. It’s good to talk to someone from outside my normal social circle.

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

I can’t fault my volunteer. She is very good and I feel better in myself. At my age you can only eat and watch television.

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

She listens and we have a laugh. It’s nice to have someone different to talk to and to share things with.

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2 November 2022

What our referrers say…

The quick start up of this funded project was an absolute life saver for some of the most vulnerable people in Doncaster. Referrer

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

I’m so glad I went to the doctor that day. Meeting you was the best thing for me. Going to the group has, it sounds silly to say, taken away the pains in my legs. When I’m busy I don’t think about it… didn’t we have a laugh last week? RB

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

I would just like to thank you for all your help. I now have gas and electricity. My house is eventually warm. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. E

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

I would like to thank everyone concerned with providing the superb help and support which I have received during the course of the corona virus pandemic. I consider myself to be particularly fortunate to have Julie as my support worker. Her professional, caring and thorough approach to all she has done for me has been […]

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2 November 2022

What our clients say…

My befriender is really easy to talk to and a really good listener. I was suicidal and felt isolated due to a hip problem and my husband has Asperger’s so I didn’t have many social conversations. I look forward to her phone calls. I feel life is brighter and feel more positive. Client

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